YMHA provides its residents with varieties of services that promotes and develop Jobs and Life Skills. We have launched programs to facilitate resident self-sufficiency. YMHA strives to enrich the lives of our residents by providing educational and life style programs tailored to youth, families and seniors.
YMHA has forged pathways to sustainable Partnerships that will bridge services to meet all the needs of YMHA’s residents.
Residents Services:
Economic development at YMHA is more than bricks and mortar. It’s also about investing in the people we serve. YMHA’s Resident Services team offers our residents a wide variety of training services and programs to help them gain valuable skills and achieve self-sufficiency. These included Social programming for seniors, and Life skills workshop to meet the needs of the population we serve
FSS: Family Self –Sufficiency:
The FSS program helps families in YMHA properties take the steps to find and maintain employment and establish a savings account called (Escrow).Once an eligible family is selected to participate in the program, the PHA, and the head of each family will execute a FSS contract of participation that specifies the rights and responsibilities of both parties. The term of the FSS contract is generally 5 years, but it may be extended for another 2 years by the PH for good cause.
Community Partners.
YMHA partners with local organizations through our Community partners program to provide residents with education, training and employment opportunities. YMHA collaborate with 35 area supportive service agencies.
Resident Employment:
YMHA collaborates with area employers such as Ohio Jobs Means, and educational institutions like Youngstown State University, Eastern Gateway College, Urban academy Urban Scholars, and Nursing Programs. Area Employers These partners provide career readiness workshops, employment exploration leading to Full time/ Part time jobs. Partnerships are built on pathway that lead to higher skills/education which ultimately leads to employment. ESL classes are offered to the Hispanic population on site.
Elderly/Disability Services:
YMHA coordinate services to assist elderly and/disabled residents with services that will help them maintain their independence by establishing links with community service agencies to furthers assist in their independence. We address social and recreational needs, including education of health care. Our partnership provides onsite services that support the elderly residents’ supportive needs on a monthly basis.
Youth Programming:
YMHA offers educational and developmental programs for young residents to help them succeed in Life. YMHA holds events with children in mind throughout the year. These includes youth program such as:
After school program activities on site.
YMCA sponsors activities.
Summer feeding program.
Art classes.
Fun Days sponsored by area partners.
Academy for Urban Scholars educational life skills/ Computer classes.
Girl Scouts of America on all 4 family sites.